Legal Advice
Owner details
In accordance with article 10 of the law 34/2002, of 11 July, Services of the Society of Electronic Information and Commerce, the following details are provided of the company:
Corporate name: Idistek.
Records: Is recorded in the Commercial Registry of Gipuzkoa (Spain), in volume 858, folio 126, page SS-1.650
Fiscal address: Paseo Miramón, 170 – 20014 Donostia- San Sebastián
Tax identification code: B-20165486
Codes of Conduct
The company Idistek and its employees are subject to the Velatia’s internal Ethical Code and Corporate Social Responsibility regulations that are available to the users together with the information relating to compliance at the following address:
All rights reserved.
The total or partial reproduction, copying, transfer, dissemination, or any other use of the contents of this web page, for whatever purpose, is expressly prohibited without prior, express permission of Idistek.
Any type of processing, alteration or modification of the configuration of this web page and contents is also prohibited.
The users of the web page must respect its contents and configuration, in addition to the intellectual and industrial property rights that apply to it.
Use of the Web Page
The total or partial use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the following terms. In the event that you do not agree to one of them, you are not authorised to use this web page.
Please review the Conditions of Use published in this Web Page regularly to ensure that you are aware of all the terms governing its usage.
These Conditions of Use can be modified by Idistek. at any time. Once modified, the Conditions of Use will take effect from the moment that they are submitted to this Web Page.
Information provided to any user of this Web Page is provided without warranties of any kind, either express or implied; Nor is there any guarantee whatsoever to Idistek. that the access to this gateway is uninterrupted, that the gateway is safe or free from virus or any other harmful component, nor that the information provided in the gateway is complete, accurate and timely at any moment.
Under no circumstances shall Idistek. be responsible for any direct, indirect or consequential or punitive damage caused, resulting from or in connection with the use or the inability to use this web page or its contents.
Similarly, Idistek. shall not be responsible for any kind of manipulation or alteration made by third parties, which may cause damage to the users of this web page.
Idistek., shall not gather other personal information than that expressly provided by the users.
Web sites of third parties that the user can access via this web page are not under the control of Idistek.. Therefore Idistek. is no way responsible, nor do they give any guarantees regarding the contents of any web site or link, regarding possible changes or updates, nor regarding the use that third parties can provide them.
Idistek. uses the following cookies on this website:
Cookies necessary strictly to render those services expressly requested by the user: s/he will not be able to properly receive our contents and services if these cookies are deactivated.
Cookies for analysis (monitoring and statistical analysis of the global behavior of users), advertising (managing advertising spaces based on criteria such as frequency of advertising display) and behavior (managing advertising spaces per specific user profile): the website will be able to continue operating if these cookies are deactivated, although the data gathered by these cookies on the use of our website and the success of the advertisements it displays makes it possible to improve our services and generate income enabling us to offer many contents free of charge.
This site uses temporary cookies by session as well as permanent cookies. Cookies by session store data only while the user is accessing the website. Permanent cookies store data in the terminal for access and use during more than one session.
Depending on its purpose for processing the data gathered by the cookies, the website may use:
Technical cookies: These are cookies that enable the user to browse the website, use applications and access the different options or services existing on it. For instance, they monitor data traffic and communication, identify the session, access restricted parts of the website, record the items comprising an order, channel requests to register for or participate in an event, implement security while browsing, and store content for video or audio transmission.
Customizing cookies: These are cookies enabling the user access to the service according to general characteristics predefined on the terminal or that the user him/herself has set. For instance, language, browser type used for service access, the design of selected content, terminal geolocation and regional configuration for place of access.
Advertising cookies: These are cookies enabling the efficient management of the advertising spaces included in the website or application from which the service is rendered. They enable the adaptation of advertising content for greater user relevance, avoiding the display of those advertisements that the user has already seen.
Statistical analysis cookies: These are cookies enabling the monitoring and analysis of website user behavior. The data gathered through this type of cookie is used to measure website, application or platform activity and to prepare browser profiles for the users of such sites, so as to improve the service for users based on data of use.
Third-party cookies: Some websites may install third-party cookies that make it possible to manage and improve the services offered. For instance, Google Analytics and Comscore statistical services
Privacy Policy
Idistek. CIF: B-20165486 Paseo Miramón, 170 – 20014 Donostia- San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa).Telephone: +34 943 44 88 00 Email: as the entity responsible for files.
Informs you that the data that you provide us and that we will incorporate into our file systems helps us respond to your request for contact and information and to subscribe to commercial communication newsletters from Idistek. The data we collect and process is collected on the website.
The data provided will be kept whilst the commercial or business relationship that is established is active and whilst you keep the newsletter sending service active. You can unsubscribe from it at any time and you will stop receiving the subscription, at which time we will proceed to delete the information relating to your email account. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation.
Anyone has the right to know whether Idistek. is processing their personal data. Those interested have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
Likewise, they may object to the processing of their data by just cause. You can materially exercise your rights via the email You can contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you do not agree with the treatment received regarding your rights.
Settlement of Disputes: Arbitration Clause
The parties agree that all disputes or disagreements deriving from these conditions of use shall be definitively resolved before the Bilbao Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation to which the administration of the arbitration and the designation of the arbiter is entrusted, in accordance with its articles and regulation.